BenefitsPRO: Unlocking mental health support for SMBs through advanced benefits solutions

Our CCO, Marc Palmer, recently authored an article published in BenefitsPRO.

For SMBs, implementing modern benefits administration processes allows them to offer the same level of accessible support as larger enterprises.

Businesses are actively engaging in a modern movement to destigmatize and address mental health issues, recognizing the need for more support in the workplace. Despite these efforts, employees still face challenges. Long hours, lack of control over job responsibilities, and workplace anxiety are contributing to both the labor shortage and the broader national mental health crisis. The lasting impact of the pandemic worsened these issues, with the line between work and home life still blurred for many. Financial worries, cultural shifts, and rising stress levels all point to the need for mental health to be a central focus of workplace policies.

While mental health is a top concern for employers, many employees simply aren't aware of the resources available to them or choose not to engage – low utilization of mental health benefits is an issue. Compounding things, many small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) lack the communication tools and technological resources to ensure easy employee access and utilization. Costs associated with complex benefits administration platforms can also be a hurdle.

However, SMBs can circumvent these obstacles. By being associated with multiple employer arrangements, such as association health plans, health trusts, and employer welfare arrangements, SMBs can access modern, streamlined benefits platforms. These types of arrangements give SMBs both buying power and access to benefits typically offered by large enterprises. This significantly broadens the scope and quality of mental health support available to SMB employees.

Read Marc's full article published at BenefitsPRO.